Archive for the ‘Oriente Medio’ Category


Posters del Irgun, Centroeuropa, circa 1930


Mapas del “gran israel” que circulan entre los movimientos de colonos fanáticos


Mapa del plan presentado por el Tte. Col. Ralph Peters en un curso de la OTAN para la “balcanización” de Oriente Medio, los militares turcos presentes abandonaron la sala indignadisimos. Publicado en el Armed Forces Journal, junio 2006


avigdor liebermann, de portero de night-club en Ucrania (Putin-club en ruso) a ministro de exteriores, todo queda fuera…

Avisarles que llegan 61 años tarde….


Han visto alguna reseña de esto en la prensa? niente.Sin embargo tenemos que desayunarnos con el ensañamiento judicial con un anciano de 89 años, John Demjanjuk, que ya en su dia el tribunal supremo de israel aboslvió por no tener la certeza de que era “Ivan El terrible” guardian de Sobibor. BTW, me di el otro dia con un articulo en English Russia sobre las distintas etnias y nacionalidades que vistieron uniformes de la Wehrmach y me encontré estas fotos:

19Que hace ese fulano con la estrella de david tan sonriente entre un feldgendarme y un SS en lo que parece una deportación?


Guetto de VARSOVIA? 1942.


No comment.

Las dictaduras se caracterian porque te suelen dajar muy pocas opciones, y en guerra aún menos. Ni unos fueron tan culpables ni otros tan inocentes. volviendo a la efemerides de hoy, el aniversario del inicio de la expulsión de los legitimos habitantes de Palestina de su tierra, que sigue inexorablemente a dia de hoy, 60 mil palestinos van a ver sus casas demolidas en Jerusalem en el futuro cercano para continuar la “judaización” de la ciudad, territorio ocupado militarmente,  un crimen mas en la larga lista de abusos, violaciones de los derechos humanos, limpieza étnica y como hemos visto este pasado invierno en Gaza y hasta dia de hoy, crimenes de guerra no solo el uso de armas prohibidas en un territorio del que se impidió la evacuación de civiles, de ahi el nombre de la operación militar israelí  “Cast lead”, plomo fundido echado en un molde, solo que en vez de plomo era fósforo blanco,”willie pete” para lso amigos,  y metales pesados inertes, “DME”, tóxicos y radioactivos. Van perdonar que reutilice por tercera vez weste fotomontaja tan elocuente, esta vez en solidaridad con el profesor Robinson de la UC-Santa Bárbara de Estados Unidos que lo hizo circular entre sus alumnos al amparo de la LIBERTAD DE CÁTEDRA, y que esta bajo el fuego de la ADL, Liga Anti-Difamación de Abe Foxmann, acusado de ANTISEMITA, da la casualidad de que el Profesor Robinson ES JUDIO.


Medalla conmemorativa de la colaboración Nazi-Sionista en la emigración de 53.000 judios alemanes a Palestina

Doc. Korherr


interesante artículo sobre los colonos alemanes en Palestina , años 30, de Der spiegel.

BPK 20.027.180

Zeppelin aterrorizando en Jerusalem

Photo Essay: Jewish Holocaust and Gaza

Axis of Logic


Jan 18, 2009

The grandchildren of Jewish holocaust survivors from World War II are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them by Nazi Germany.




Received via email at Axis of Logic. Original source, unknown

See: Photo Essay: Jewish Holocaust and Gaza, Part II



The classic propaganda machine – you will find the picture in black and white in all American and some other western countries’ history books, encyclopedias, libraries and museums. This photo depicts a young Jewish boy with his hands up while Nazi troops point their guns at him an his family in order to expel them from their homes. (It’s meant to make you sympathise with the victims and support their cause for justice and homeland.


Received via Email at Axis of Logic. Original source unknown.

See Photo Essay: Jewish Holocaust and Gaza (Part I)


Descuentos a Grupos en:


Cosacos para Fiestas Infantiles, Cumples, Bodas, Bautizos, Comuniones y Funerales, Descuentos a Grupos.

Reporta Al-Jazeera que los yankis no contentos con limitarse a masacrar a la población afgana, pretenden ademas evangelizarla. Destaco este parrafo/confesión del Teniente-Coronel Gary Hensley, jefe de los capellanes del USArmy en un sermón grabado:

“The special forces guys – they hunt men basically. We do the same things as Christians, we hunt people for Jesus. We do, we hunt them down,” he says.

“Get the hound of heaven after them, so we get them into the kingdom. That’s what we do, that’s our business.”

“Los fulanos de las fuerzas especiales cazan gente, basicamente. Nosotros hacemos lo mismo como cristianos, cazamos gente para Jesus. Lo hacemos, los cazamos.”

“Ponemos al sabueso del cielo tras ellos, y los metemos en el Reino. Eso hacemos, es nuestro negocio.”

Si ya es delirante seguir enzarzados en una guerra perdida, los locales controlan mas del 70% del territorio, peor es que vayamos de hordas evangelizantes, les recuerdo que la ultima Cruzada aun la estamos pagando.


Y no me queda mas que preguntar a los responsables que coño es esto?

“El homenaje fue el 23 de febrero de 2008. Tenían a nuestros hijos como ocultos. Le pregunté a un general que por qué les daban las medallas a parte. Sin la gente presente. Me contestó que quedaban dos semanas para las elecciones y que no podían salir ahí”.

Cuando el desfile de honor comenzó, a Rubén y a su compañero los mezclaron con el público para que no llamaran la atención. Ellos miraban. Desfilaban los enteros. Todo por la patria. Al rato tronó un himno extraño

El ejercito de carmencita la del bombo, que  bien de idem se dió en su dia con la famosa visita, barre debajo de la alfombra los resultados de una politica exterior subserviente a lo que nos echen de Washington DC. Prefiero no seguir.

Israel recruits gay community in PR

campaign against Iran

Israel is stepping up its public relations effort to discredit Iran within the international community, and part of its new campaign focuses on Tehran’s abuse of human rights and sponsorship of terrorism.

“We have to lay the foundation in the world, and particularly in Europe, in order to be able to take harsher steps against Iran, especially in the economic sector,” said one senior political source in Jerusalem.

The new campaign, to be overseen by the Foreign Ministry, aims to appeal to people who are less concerned with Iran’s nuclear aspirations and more fearful of its human rights abuses and mistreatment of minorities, including the gay and lesbian community.


Cuando se piensa con el culo y/o se pone el culo por bandera se acaba yendo en la misma dirección del pendón


Niña palestina muerta en el ataque deliberado a una escuela de la ONU, Gaza invierno 2008-2009

wpgaza, White phosphorus. Gaza winter 2008-09

Lluvia de “fósforo blanco” sobre las instalaciones de Naciones Unidas, Gaza, invierno 2008-09

Photo Essay: Jewish Holocaust and Gaza

Axis of Logic


Jan 18, 2009

The grandchildren of Jewish holocaust survivors from World War II are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them by Nazi Germany.




Received via email at Axis of Logic. Original source, unknown

See: Photo Essay: Jewish Holocaust and Gaza, Part II



The classic propaganda machine – you will find the picture in black and white in all American and some other western countries’ history books, encyclopedias, libraries and museums. This photo depicts a young Jewish boy with his hands up while Nazi troops point their guns at him an his family in order to expel them from their homes. (It’s meant to make you sympathise with the victims and support their cause for justice and homeland.


Received via Email at Axis of Logic. Original source unknown.

See Photo Essay: Jewish Holocaust and Gaza (Part I)


High Quality (650MB .avi)

Good Quality (150MB .wmv)

Mobile Format (30MB .3gp)

“The Iraqi Resistance has taught the world of oppressed nations and societies that a self sufficient resistance movement in our modern times is possible (…)”
1920 Revolution Brigades, Iraq

When a small and poor country becomes occupied by an arrogant, imperialist Superpower, the people have the choice between becoming their slaves and selling out their rights or to fight.

“We do not believe that the clash of civilizations is necessary, and we are not interested in bloodshed, but this war has been forced on us and we have no choice but to defend out faith, our country, and our future – even if the fighting lasts for many generations…”
Islamic Resistance Movement Iraq (Hamas of Iraq)

The Iraqi people waged a guerrilla war (Jihad) against the most powerful army in the world. They used improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against their Vehicles, fired Mortars and Rockets on their Bases and attacked the Soldiers with Sniper rifles, those soldiers who crossed the ocean to invade their country and then tortured innocent people in prisons like Abu Ghraib, raped little girls like they have done in Mahmudiyah, bombarded cities with white phosphorus like Fallujah.

This exclusive Documentary doesn’t include new Videos. Rather, it combines nine powerful Sniper Compilations from Iraqi Resistance Organizations, not to forget all the Clips from the other Factions.

IF YOU know the suffering of Iraq, or if you know the history of western colonialism, or if you know the many Crimes carried out by U.S. Imperialism, then you will be happy to see this US Army attacked and defeated by simple people who decided not to become a silent slave of a foreign and unjust power.

IF YOU are related to the US Army, you will see what your criminal government don’t want you and your comrades to see – they simply don’t care about your lifes, they lied on you and they will never visit your funeral. They hide such videos from their TV stations, they cover the true numbers of fallen soldiers and contractors, and they even cover the true cost of this war.
We ask you to listen carefully to the four included English Messages from important Iraqi Resistance Factions – they aren’t terrorists, they don’t invade America and use Napalm bombs against Los Angeles and New York! But they tell you the “Hidden Facts”: They will help you to get out of Iraq, if you are there, and they ask you to do everything to help them to get the troops out of Iraq so they don’t have to die while the suffering of the Iraqis would come to an end.

Victory to the Iraqi Resistance!
Down with bloodthirsty US Imperialism!
All foreign troops out of Iraq!
Boycott corporate propaganda Media!

Antiimperialist Media
April 2009

Islamic Army in Iraq – “Baghdad Sniper” (1-4)
Naqshabandiya Army – “Iraq Sniper” (1-3)
Mujahedin Army – “Grandsons of Saad” (1-2)
Ansar as Sunnah – Sharia Comitee
Hamas al Iraq
1920 Revolution Brigades
Rashideen Army
Muslim Army
Jihad Army
High Command for Jihad and Liberation

Note: Almost every group belongs to one of three main Iraqi Resistance Fronts with a political programme and Website. To find more out visit



La prensa arabe, en concreto Islammemo, se hizo eco de la recomendacion de un comandante norteamericano a sus soldados de salir bailando de los vehiculos blindados para evitar ser cazados por los francotiradores de la resistencia iraqui. Este blog pone a disposición de las tropas un sencillo curso interactivo para ilistrar dicha recomendacion, suban el volumen a Wilson, bajen el de Juba, o viceversa.

Artist: Wilson Pickett
Song: Land Of A Thousand Dances

Ow! Uh! Alright! Uh!

Got to know how to pony
Like Bony Maronie
Mash potato, do the alligator
Put your hand on your hips, yeah
Let your backbone slip
Do the Watusi
Like my little Lucy
Hey! Uh!

Na na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na
I need somebody to help me say it one time
(Na na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na )

Saxophone solo

Wow! Uh! You know I feel alright! Huh! I feel pretty good y’all
Uh! Huh!
Na na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na
Come on y’all, let’s say it one more time
(Na na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na )

Playing, it is a habit
With long tall Sally
Twistin’ with Lucy
Doin’ the Watusi
Roll over on your back
I like it like that
Do that Jerk-uh
Watch me work y’all
Ow! Do it!
Wow! Do it!
Just watch me do it

Aah help me
Aah help me
Aah help me
Aah help me


<!– –>

postato da: dodgone alle ore 10:59 | link | commenti

Report on the disposal of the translator (New York Times) American, on 31/3/2009
مركز الأمة للدراسات والتطوير / قسم الدراسات National Center for Research and Development / Studies

بينما تستعد القوات الأمريكية للانسحاب من المدن العراقية وفقا للموعد المقرر في نهاية حزيران من العام الحالي يتحدث المسؤولون الامنيون الأمريكيون والعراقيون عن أن المقاومة تعيد ترتيب صفوفها لمزاولة نشاطها في المناطق الكبيرة التي شهدت انحسارا في أعمال المقاومة في الفترة الأخيرة. While preparing for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraqi cities, according to the schedule at the end of June of this year, security officials speaking on the Americans and the Iraqis that the resistance of the order of ranks for the conduct of activities in large areas that have experienced a decline in the work of the resistance in the recent period.

وهناك مخاوف حقيقية لدى هؤلاء المسؤولين من عودة أعمال المقاومة الى أعلى مستوياتها بعد الهدوء النسبي خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية. There are real concerns to these officials, the resistance of the return to higher levels after the relative calm over the past few months.
وما هذه الهجمات الأخيرة وتصاعد بعض العمليات القتالية ضد قوات الاحتلال إلا دليلا على ذلك وهي تشير الى الخطر المحتمل وخصوصا بعد انسحاب هذه القوات وقد شبهها بعض المسؤولين كالفقاعات في الماء الراكد الذي يشير الى وجود الأسماك في داخله. These recent attacks and the escalation of some combat operations against the occupation forces, however, evidence to suggest that a potential danger, especially after the withdrawal of these forces, some officials have likened to Kalfaqaat in stagnant water, which refers to the presence of fish in it.
ان معظم الهجمات الأخيرة كانت تستهدف القوات العراقية في الوقت الذي سجلت فيه هذه الهجمات أدنى مستوياتها منذ عام 2003 لكن تطورا واحدا بدا يؤثر على الجنود الأمريكيين، وهو السلاح الجديد الذي ظهر في العراق. Most of the recent attacks were aimed at Iraqi forces at a time when these attacks were the lowest since 2003, but development has begun to affect one for the American soldiers, a new weapon that has emerged in Iraq.


This weapon – a Russian-made rocket – a type of grenade (RKG3) a volume of not more than five pounds linked to a small umbrella and can be dropped, even by children, but these bombs can penetrate U.S. armored mechanisms significantly from the type of recent (MRAP).
هذه القنابل لا تكلف الواحدة منها أكثر من (10 دولارات) وفقا للمسؤولين العسكريين الأمريكيين الذين لم يذكروا عدد الجنود الذين تسببت بمقتلهم هذه القنابل. These bombs cost more than one (10 dollars), according to U.S. military officials who did not mention the number of soldiers who caused deaths of these bombs.


queriais dedocratizarnos? pos Toma!!!!!


This side up sign found by the military intelligence officers in stickers attached to the grenades, “[T]hese ruskies are obsolete in weapons design…” (unnameable officer in the Pentagon)

ecco li resultanti

March 3, 2009

More RKG-3:

HAMAS al iraq: New, Diyala Governorate, 02-15-2009

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RKG-3 in action: Iraq

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Stiglitz: Bank Plan Makes Taxpayers Suckers

Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz lambastes the Obama administration’s plan for ridding banks of toxic assets as a boon for Wall Street and a bust for Main Street.

Story continues below . . .

Bad Mother Fucker wallet from Pulp Fiction

see, it is in the movies, the bad motherfucker always gets the wallet.

Two-nosed rabbit found in Connecticut pet store

3:25 PM, April 1, 2009 (The ConnWabbitt)


Dear Moneynews Reader: This urgent, time-sensitive briefing from our sponsor, Lee Bellinger, Publisher of Independent Living, reveals some deeply disturbing developments just under the surface. Thank you. INSIDER ALERT! On September 18, the entire U.S. financial system came within 3 hours of total and complete collapse. Dear Fellow Concerned American: This briefing is a critical, time-sensitive warning. Please read what I am about to say carefully, because your very life may depend on it. A whole lot of already shell-shocked people are going to learn the hard way that the veneer of “civilization” is far thinner than most realize.

U.S. Preparing a Military Response to Coming Social Chaos

Cape Fear 1962/1991 Opening Scenes

>The difference is in the joints Mr.Mitchum used to smoke, as far as I known Mr. DeNiro just says no.

entre el amor de los sindicatos y lo que cuenta la prensa lo mas que podremos sufrir es otro tour veraniego de Miguel Bose…

canal #literatura irc-hispano

15?   BELMONTE12 ¦ 12
1202Morenilla12 ¦ si, Transito a caraperro se ha bebido la cerveza Hakur
1202Dama_Descalza12 ¦ 4[DimitriRyznard4] que asi sea:)
1202Morenilla12 ¦ jajajajajajaja
12••• 12¦14 Giogia pone modo 12[14+l 51 12]
1202Jack_Sparrago12 ¦ jajaja… joer, que poco sentido del humor tenéis
1202Morenilla12 ¦ 4[DimitriRyznard4] buenas
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ sólo para el que hace gracia Jack_Sparrago
1202Dama_Descalza12 ¦ 4[Jack_Sparrago4] con esos comentarios humor?¿
15?           1202Hakur12 ¦ ay como me gusta la entrega femenina
1202Jack_Sparrago12 ¦ no sabéis reiros de las cosas típicas de antes… ainssssssss que ingenuas seis toas
1202Jack_Sparrago12 ¦ xd
1202Transito12 ¦ BELMONTE Eres el Pregonero del Chat, tio!
1202Dama_Descalza12 ¦ noooooooooooooooooooooooo
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ en fin
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ omitire el comentario
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ Morenilla
1202Jack_Sparrago12 ¦ 4[DimitriRyznard4] tu es que serás ruso y no entiende el humor de aquí
1202Jack_Sparrago12 ¦ xd
1202Dama_Descalza12 ¦ no me gustan esas cosas ni me rio Jack_Sparrago
1202Dama_Descalza12 ¦ no
1202Dama_Descalza12 ¦ no
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ buenas, pero me iba
15?           1202Hakur12 ¦ ajajajajaja
1202Morenilla12 ¦ 4[Jack_Sparrago4] si nos reimos hasta de tus ancestros, hombre
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ polaco
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ si no te importa
12——» 12¦14 DrEmmettBrown entra (entró antes como EmeterioBrown)
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ me caian bien los rusos
1202Jack_Sparrago12 ¦ 4[Dama_Descalza4] joer… mujer, que es de broma, leches
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ hasta que se repartieron polonia con los alemanes
15?           1202Hakur12 ¦ me encanta el modernismo catalán DimitriRyznard
1202Dama_Descalza12 ¦ agggggggggg
12——» 12¦14 albania_ entra
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ Hakur
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ y eso a que viene?
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ tengo pinta de catalán?
6* Transito 12¦6 deja la Paulaner un rato porque se marea
15?           1202Hakur12 ¦ no, tienes pinta polaco
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ o es que tú eres un “vikingo”
15?           1202Hakur12 ¦ no, yo soy indio
15?   BELMONTE12 ¦ 12
1202DimitriRyznard12 ¦ que no sabe que los polacos son más de tirando hacia bielorrusia?
15?   BELMONTE12 ¦ si como el del chiste
15?   BELMONTE12 ¦ maaamaaaaaaa porque papaaaaaaaa matooooo alpregonerooooooooooooooo
04«—— 12¦14 DimitriRyznard cierra 04[Quit: Si tienes miedo a los fantasmas compra un gato… que tengan una explicación los ruidos de tu casa 04]
15?           1202Hakur12 ¦ vaya chinao
15?           1202Hakur12 ¦ 🙂


aznaritaEx Spanish PM faces lawsuit for Iraq War By: EFE on: 03.04.2009 [03:55 ] (2 reads) Article image (1388 bytes) [c] Print Ex Spanish PM faces lawsuit for Iraq War By m.p. – Apr 2, 2009 – 5:58 PM José María Aznar – EFE. The private suit is presented at the Supreme Court on Friday A private suit is being presented at the Supreme Court on Friday against José María Aznar, Spain’s former Partido Popular Prime Minister. Also named are Aznar’s then Defence and Foreign Ministers, Federico Trillo and Ana Palacio. The suit comes from the PCE Spanish Communist Party, EUPV – the Valencia branch of the Izquierda Unida left-wingers – and the platform ‘Juicio a Aznar’ – ‘Trial of Aznar’. The suit accuses Aznar with responsibility for taking Spain into the war with Iraq, and is supported by the signatures of 22,000 members of the Spanish public. It says in the text that Spain’s involvement was ‘total and absolute’, on the political and logistical front as well as for their military support in the war. It cites the famous Azores photo with George Bush and Tony Blair as proof of that, and also states that the horrifying Madrid train bombings in March 2004 were a direct result of Spain’s involvement in the war. Público newspaper reports that a previous suit presented against Aznar was archived by the Supreme Court in 2004, and is currently awaiting an appeal hearing by the Constitutional Court.


Zapato modelo Azores, no te azores

The Messerschmitt Me 262 spooks USAAF bomber

Me 262 Historical overview

quid custodiae custodios?, as who spooks the spooks?

U-MV106 – Frank Black – Men in Black

Johnny Cash – Folsom Prison Blues (live)